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Spring Boys Water Polo

Water Polo in action

The varsity water polo program at Saint Andrew's School stands as a shining example of excellence and dedication to athletic achievement among boys.

With a storied history of triumphs, this program draws in talented and committed student-athletes who are driven to achieve greatness both in the water and beyond. Under the guidance of experienced coaches, the program places a strong emphasis on skill refinement, 身体能力, and good sportsmanship.

Saint Andrew's School boasts state-of-the-art aquatic facilities at the Duff Tyler Aquatic Complex, providing the perfect setting for athletes to refine their water polo skills. Through intensive training sessions, thrilling competitive matches, and a close-knit team spirit, we foster a culture of accomplishment, 友情, and personal growth. Our aim is to prepare these young athletes for success not only at the collegiate level but also on the national stage.

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阅读更多 伟德国际 Title


名单 & 教练


名字 Class
迭戈Balbi 2024
贾里德·伯克 2027
康纳Brinley 2026
克里斯多夫•库克 2025
布拉德利DiPaolo 2027
William Domokos Murphy 2026
范顿福克斯 2025
伊森金 2025
Santiago Ordonez Merizalde 2024
杰克Sonnenstein 2028
马里奥·苏亚雷斯 2024


Head Coach: Tristan O'Connell

Assistant Coach:  Kate Cassidy

Assistant Coach:  Stacy O'Connell 



Saint Andrew's Seal

athletic success beyond saint andrew's

Whether it's in collegiate sports professional athletics, or other areas of life, Saint Andrew's alumni have demonstrated exceptional talent, 弹性, 和领导能力. Their achievements serve as a testament to our commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals who excel both academically and athletically.

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