


Our goal in the 较低的学校 is to open a new world of learning for our youngest Scots while contributing to each child's social and emotional growth. We strive to provide learning experiences for our students that combine a sense of community, 信任, and friendships while igniting their interest and curiosity in the world around them.


The academic program uses developmentally appropriate practices that integrate the core subject areas in concert with the components of the 国际学士学位 (IB) 小学课程 (PYP) to help children build their first steps in gaining an inter国家 education with good principles, 的态度, 积极地看待自己和他人. Our program provides a warm environment that fosters each child’s natural curiosity and sense of agency while developing critical thinking and research skills that engenders a love of learning not only every day, 但这一生.


School hours are 8:00 am - 3:15 pm (except Wednesday; 2:15 pm dismissal). 在学年期间, Saint Andrew’s School offers a morning care program beginning at 7:30 am as a courtesy to our parents. 《伟德国际》,“善后计划, is designed to meet the needs of those parents whose family schedule does not coincide with the school’s schedule. It is available on either a full-time or drop-in basis for families until 5:30 pm daily.





It is essential to create a healthy community and culture of care 和尊重. 在低年级, 学生被介绍并练习“苏格兰方式”,” a set of agreed upon essential understandings that all members of the community strive to embody. Members of the 较低的学校 build positive relationships with others, 保证以尊重和善意对待他人, 讨论如何治疗, 互相支持和提倡, or tell an adult at school or at home if they witness unkind behaviors. 学生学习亲社会行为是很重要的, 了解规则以及如何执行这些规则, 并为自己的行为负责.


As part of our ongoing efforts to create a school climate that nurtures the development of empathy, 同情, 以及其他社交和情商技能, students in each of our 较低的学校 classrooms will participate in a daily Scots Sharing Circle. 利用多种资源, 包括一个名为“性格坚强:有目的的人”的课程, the Scots Sharing Circle will provide students opportunities to share and listen to others while teaching empathy, 尊重, 合作, 勇气, 毅力, and many other skills to help them be successful in school and in life. 通过参与苏格兰人分享圈, students will develop a sense of responsiveness to other people's feelings and opinions. They will be able to deepen their capacity to share and open their hearts and minds to the needs and perspectives of others. 确保学生的安全是很重要的, predictable places to learn where they feel included and can develop healthy connections with 老师 and classmates.


Worship is central to 教堂 and is celebrated with sensitivity and appreciation of the 宗教 diversity present on campus. 教堂 is held once a week and attendance is required of all students and faculty. 在教堂, an abbreviated Episcopal worship service is conducted and led by the 较低的学校 Chaplain. 教堂的规划具有包容性, 创造力, and with age-appropriateness in mind to add to the richness of the students’ educational experience at Saint Andrew’s School. In keeping with the Saint Andrew’s School mission to educate in mind, body, 和精神, the students are given opportunities to experience God through a variety of means. These opportunities include prayer (including the Saint Andrew’s School prayer), 圣经故事, 活动, 和询问.


Our monthly assembly program is a special time when the 较低的学校 community gathers to celebrate our school spirit and the “苏格兰人的方式” in action. 管理部门之间协作开发程序集, 老师, and students to deepen the understanding of our core values of community, 荣誉, 学术, 完整性, 和尊重. Diverse speakers both within and outside of the school community provide concrete examples of our values. 学生 report and share news about our latest community service 活动 or new initiatives. 我们尊重和承认本地, 国家, 以及反映文化的全球性事件, 宗教, 以及我们学校社区的种族构成.


Children develop confidence and deepen connections through the 较低的学校’s many special events and 活动, 比如每年的传统, 学术或艺术成就的证明, 或者是社区服务活动. 有些事件是特定于类的, 而其他人则跨越几个年级, 包括父母, 爷爷奶奶, 还有特别的朋友. Examples of special events in the 较低的学校 include: Honor Pinning, 圣安德鲁节, 精神周和返校节, 学术书展, 感恩节盛宴, 课程和颂歌, 爷爷奶奶的一天, 心灵之旅日, 及野外活动.


作为一所圣公会传统的学校, 国际文凭(IB)成员, 和圆广场组织, Saint Andrew’s School is steeped in a plethora of service projects where the students are given a wide variety of opportunities to respond to the needs of others in our neighborhood and around the world. 低年级学生, kindergarten through grade 5 are involved in meaningful service projects and 活动. 作为一所IB学校, 我们遵循的原则是,当学生采取行动时, 他们通过声音来做到这一点, 选择, 以及对这些项目的反思. 认识到他人的需要, 学生们抓住机会实施行动计划, 从头到尾.


在低年级, technology is integrated in the educational process to enhance learning, 支持学生的提问, 发展他们的概念理解能力. A 1:1 iPad program is maintained in pre-kindergarten through grade 2 and the 1:1 MacBook Air laptop program is maintained in grade 3 through grade 5. A flexible learning model has been adopted that en勇气s collaboration and team teaching between the classroom 老师 and the Academic 技术 Coach in an effort to identify technologies that can be used to enhance, 参与, 支持学生学习. 所有课程领域都教授技能, where they are learned in meaningful ways in the con文本 of classroom learning. Applications and programs are chosen to maintain a balance between creation and consumption of content. 教师赋予学生创造的能力, 反映, 并分享各种学生的学习心得, 包括照片, 视频, 图纸, 文本, 和更多的.